Call or text me for the extreme of housewife phone sex. Introducing myself as the swinging housewife. I’m 53 with a very large family and unfortunately I’m married but please don’t let this put you off because I’m a down and dirty promiscuous cheat. I frequently go to swing parties with male friends and we pretend we’re a couple. Share and share alike is my motto. Honestly – they are not the most attractive selection but a cock’s a cock so one mustn’t grumble. Couch potato hubby thinks I’m at the bingo. Silly arse. Life is full of opportunities and I’m just too young to let it pass me by.
Worryingly at times as I end up shagging anyone that will have me. Not so choosy me. I’ve got myself into some dangerous liaisons at times. Some even thought I was a prostitute. I guess that’s expected when you’re picked up at 1 in the morning standing under a lamp post. Funny though – I still took the cash. Well I sure earned it!
Me, I’m a horny housewife kinky tease. An out-and-out flirty slut. Sometimes I do scare the youngens as I can be full-on in-your-face but most are up for it. I even tried it on with this 22 year old lad – turns out we are actually related. I was quick to get off my knees and scarper with shame. Early to bed, and session with my dildo, and it was soon forgotten. Phone sex me, text sex me, I’m ready to share all – and I mean ALL. Get ready for the kinkiest of pics!!